Fun In The Sun

These metallic gems have had a crazy ride, circa summer 2014. These temporary tattoos that shimmer in the sun are the perfect accessory for your day at the beach or weekend getaway. I’m surprised this trend didn’t hit the streets sooner, but no one’s complaining. It’s impossible to not recognize these iconic Flash Tattoos and their sparkle.

Yes, temporary tattoos were once a childish pastime, but now we are free to indulge in a whole new way. Whether they resemble jewelry or are just a unique pattern on your arm, they’ll be sure to grab the attention of anyone around. Their bold yet boho and gypsy style go quite hand in hand with the Meraki Moon mission statement, (created for the girls with free spirits, catching dreams, and setting trends) so of course we approve! Since these tats are in such high demand, I’m sure this will be a trend you’ll be seeing plenty of in 2015…heck you know I ordered my own stash online, where else would I get my inspiration?

Sure, these flash tattoos will be everywhere and could be seen as cliche or unoriginal. But hey, just because everyone’s doing it, doesn’t mean they’re any less amazing.


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