Shall we give you a run down on the crown jewels? The notorious crown worn by - ahem, super fitting - Notorious B.I.G. that gained immense popularity from a single portrait was made of plastic and originally bought for six bucks. Kind of a let down? Not really - signed by B.I.G. and adorned with plastic gemstones, this crown was auctioned off in 2020 for $594,750. Fancy that! Paying tribute to this last photoshoot of B.I.G. just three days before his death, we leave you with our coveted Crown Weekend Tee.
Made from a soft 100% cotton, with a perfect hand feel and worn in look
An intentionally oversized tee, made from a heavier loose knit cotton jersey with a classic crew neckline and slightly longer sleeves - perfect for cuffing. Made to fit you big, there’s no need to size up to achieve your borrowed from the boys look
Made by your team of Daydreamers, right here in Los Angeles
Model is wearing size S
Size S measures chest width: 19 3/4″ length: 26″